See on õige suhtumine ja kui juba jänki hakkama saab...
Ehita endale ise maja
Ja üks väike tsitaat sealt -
Reasons people have for not building a home
I don’t know how to build a house, that’s a professional’s job.
That’s the most common reason I hear for a person not to do the work, but not knowing how to do something is a poor reason for not doing it. If it were a good reason, none of us would be able to walk, talk, drive a car, or program a VCR. (I still have a hard time with the VCR thing) Building a house is like everything else we learn. We have to take it one step at a time. It’s good to have an image of the completed project in the back of your mind, but if you look at everything all at once, you’ll get very overwhelmed because it is a huge undertaking.
Selle veebilehega üritab ta küll samamoodi oma raamatut müüa nagu meie delfi veebimaja ehitaja (kodulehe disain on küll suht jube, aga anname andeks ;). Enamus jutte on ka ninnu nännu tasemel ja kõike ei viitsinud läbi sirvidagi, aga see pole ka oluline - oluline on see, et - yes, you can do it!
PS: kõige rohkem olen viimasel ajal hakanud vihkama lauset - ei ära sa seda küll tegema hakka, pöördu ikka oma ala spetsialisti poole....
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